Thursday, March 02, 2006

Good Music Night

Have you ever had one of those drives where song after song on the radio ROCKED? Last night was MY night.

Once a week, my lovely lovely parents take Mathias overnight. They usually pick him up on a Tuesday night and I pick him up for their house on Wednesday night. Granted, maybe once a month the night gets switched but it is usually pretty constant. It is a good 40 minute drive to the 'rents house, so I was jamming out to my XM Radio. I roll the windows down and start blaring 80's on 8 & 90's on 9. First up, (I know you are going to laugh but whatever) Bon Jovi's "Living in Sin". I love the New Jersey album. It just rocks. I'm singing on the top of my lungs and I totally ignore the strange people looking at me. I'm speeding down the road and the next song (switched from the 80's to the 90's) is Coolio's "Gansta's Paradise". Oh YEA BABY! I was jamming out then!!! This song gives me the BEST memory from my wedding reception! (Imagine 50 year old Vietnam Vet; doing karaoke to this song). So now I'm singin' this song.

I start to think that the world is screwing me. I LOVE to sing.. well in my car at least.. I have this undeniable love for music (almost any genre) but I couldn't hold a note if my life depended on it. Unless it's like "The Goonies" and that girl had to play the skull piano to get them out, I might be able to do that… but I think that we would have perished.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

First Post..

Well I have wanted a blog for a few weeks now. What was really holding me up from creating one was the name... What do you name the blog? I know that a lot of bloggers use something that represents them but I couldn't think of any. That is so sad I know. So I did what every busy person does, I didn't think about it. I am a relatively laid back person. I said to myself (And yes I talk to myself... YOU DO TOO... I just admit it... anyway) I'll know when I hear the right name.

Who would ever think that the naming of my blog would such a stressor!! I had a list of "possibilities" I threw out because I thought they were that bad!

After a long day at work, my husband and were sitting, some family just left, and I asked him, "What is the meaning of life"
Husband," Our son."
Me, "No, honey, on a global basis."
Husband, "I dunno. People are just a side effect."

He continues on how the state of our society, as a whole, is really inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. After that I just kind of blocked him out. I knew what the name was going to be. After I stopped laughing, I knew 100% that I would have a blog named, "Just a side effect."

I really have no idea what I am going to write here but some how
I feel that my story gets told. And by story, it might be what pisses me off at the moment, to advancements/milestones in my 2 year old son's life, hopefully I don't venture into work but it may happen. I'm not a writer nor do I want to be. As a teen, I wrote some REALLY bad poetry but that is the extent of it.

Sit back and realize, "Just a side effect."