Saturday, February 18, 2006

First Post..

Well I have wanted a blog for a few weeks now. What was really holding me up from creating one was the name... What do you name the blog? I know that a lot of bloggers use something that represents them but I couldn't think of any. That is so sad I know. So I did what every busy person does, I didn't think about it. I am a relatively laid back person. I said to myself (And yes I talk to myself... YOU DO TOO... I just admit it... anyway) I'll know when I hear the right name.

Who would ever think that the naming of my blog would such a stressor!! I had a list of "possibilities" I threw out because I thought they were that bad!

After a long day at work, my husband and were sitting, some family just left, and I asked him, "What is the meaning of life"
Husband," Our son."
Me, "No, honey, on a global basis."
Husband, "I dunno. People are just a side effect."

He continues on how the state of our society, as a whole, is really inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. After that I just kind of blocked him out. I knew what the name was going to be. After I stopped laughing, I knew 100% that I would have a blog named, "Just a side effect."

I really have no idea what I am going to write here but some how
I feel that my story gets told. And by story, it might be what pisses me off at the moment, to advancements/milestones in my 2 year old son's life, hopefully I don't venture into work but it may happen. I'm not a writer nor do I want to be. As a teen, I wrote some REALLY bad poetry but that is the extent of it.

Sit back and realize, "Just a side effect."